Welcome to the Blog that will help you Lose Weight with Acai Berry - for FREE!!

The Acai Berry Benefits
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If you came to this site then you probably want to lose weight or stay trim but Acai can do so much more for you.  Some of the effects Acai will give you are:
  • It promotes your weight loss
  • It can give you boosted energy levels so you will feel great
  • It is a source of antioxidants which can combat premature ageing
  • It helps promotes your cardiovascular and digestive health
  • It improves your metabolsim giving you the power to burn more food and store less fat
  • It can strengthen your immune system making you less likely to be struck down with illness
  • It has anti-ageing effects, you could even look younger! 
How does Acai help you lose weight?

The Acai berry helps increase your body’s metabolism rate and helps you get rid of extra pounds by burning fat, due to its high content in fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which are not produced by the body. The Acai berry has the ability to control appetite its high fibre content, which satiates your hunger.  It also helps in the proper movement of food in the digestive tract. This actually helps eliminate excess food in the body, instead of converting it to fat.
What is Acai? 
The acai berry is a small, dark-purple berry indigenous to the Amazon rainforest that contains exceptionally high levels of anthocyandins; the powerful antioxidant pigments that help neutralise cell-damaging free radicals.
Often referred to as the 'super berry', the acai has one of the highest nutritional values in the world, hence its association with the term super food. Acai berries are a rich source of amino acids, fibre, iron and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C & E.
How does Acai work?
Acai is called a superfood for many reasons. The berry naturally contains huge amounts of Antioxidants, Vitamin B1, B2, B3, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium, Fibre, Proteins, as well as good fatty acids.
The incredible levels of antioxidants in Acai help you feel younger, and may also decrease medical problems such as cancer (see News section for up-to-date research). Research has also shown that antioxidants can help regulate cholesterol levels in your body. 
Acai has two essential fatty acids known as Omega 6 (Linoleic acid) and Omega 9 (Oleic acid). Research shows that Omega 6 helps lower LDL, which is the cholesterol that harms your body, while Omega 9 fatty acids lower LDL and maintain HDL (good cholesterol) levels. Acai's high levels of antioxidants also play a factor in maintenance of vascular cardiac system, which is important for better blood circulation.
The dark purplish colour of the berry is due to the polyphenolic compounds present in the berry. One of the main compounds being researched is called anthocyanin. Anthocyanins are a group of Flavonoids widely distributed in plants and that give a reddish or purplish colour to fruits such as blackberries, grapes, and raspberries. The more research that is done on anthocyanins, the more benefits are found. 
Is it Safe?
When you are choosing a weight loss product or detox product, diet, or health plan – the best way to go is all natural. This way, you know exactly what you are putting into your body instead of some random chemical or man-made ingredient that is not natural. Acai Berries are 100% all natural – so you should feel comfortable when taking the acai berry and know that Acai Berry is safe. Not only is it safe, but it is super effective and works much better than any other weight loss and/or detox program out there. It is 100% all natural, effective, and good for you. None of the ingredients are harmful to your body as they are completely free of any man-made substances.

What Am I Waiting For ?
What are you waiting for?!!  Lose weight with Acai Berry now.  Click here to claim your FREE supply of Acai Berry